Founded in 1992, the Committee of 100 for Tibet (C100) is a unique organization in its composition, strategy and uncompromising support of the Tibetan people in their peaceful struggle. In addition to pursuing its own projects, the C100 actively endorses and contributes to the work of other key organizations supporting Tibet and the Tibetan people. Our SourceWatch listing may be found here.

Our Mission

Tibetans, with their distinct culture, religion, ethnic origin, language and national identity, are an oppressed people in China-occupied Tibet and face the real threat of total assimilation.

The C100 is dedicated to educating people throughout the world on the tragic situation in Tibet today. Tibetans continue to be deprived of their basic human rights and freedoms, are marginalized and impoverished by unjust and discriminatory policies, and their unique culture and Buddhist religion - an ancient heritage of inestimable value to all humanity - is in peril. 

We defend the right of Tibetans to their own national identity and chosen way of life and are committed to advancing the Tibetan people's legitimate right to decide their own future consistent with their United Nations-recognized right to self-determination.

Tibetan Self-Determination

The founders and initial members of the C100 believed that the only viable solution to the Tibet issue was for Tibet to once again become an independent sovereign state. As the situation unfolded in the 1990s, it became clearer that the United Nations recognized principle of self-determination, grounded on fundamental human rights, informed by existing models and precedents, and within a framework of international law and diplomacy, provides the best basis for a lasting solution beneficial to both China and the Tibetan people.

The C100 fully supports the efforts of the Dalai Lama and his envoys on behalf of the Tibetan people to negotiate genuine autonomy for Tibet within the People’s Republic of China. We believe this can yield an outcome that is consistent with the principle of self-determination and can realize the Tibetan people’s right to pursue their economic, social and cultural goals. However, we are also cognizant that other paths and outcomes are possible and may be necessary to pursue if current efforts are unsuccessful and the aspirations and will of the Tibetan people can be effectively and wisely expressed in another way.

For more information see Tibetan Self-Determination.

The Committee

Soon after the founding of the organization, a sizable group formed of internationally-known Nobel laureates, thinkers, actors, performers, creative artists, politicians, statesmen, and business and religious leaders, who wholeheartedly supported the Tibetan cause. This group of individuals quickly grew and became the Committee of 100. The list of current members may be found on the Committee Members page.

Today, through the activities lead by our Board of Directors and Advisory Board, the C100 leverages the collective prestige and moral stature of the Committee to help raise world awareness of the Tibet issue and advance the Tibetan people's right to decide their own future.

For more information about the history of our organization please visit our History page.

Board of Directors

Michael Bachmann, Vice-President

Barbara Green, Treasurer

Joy Kutaka-Kennedy, Secretary

Geoffrey Lewis, President & WhyTibet Executive Director

Advisory Board

Michael Green

Darlene Markovich

Mike Radke

Jigme Raptentsetsang

Jim Schuyler

Fred Shepardson

Giovanni Vassallo

Our Logo

The black-necked Tibetan crane is an endangered bird native to the Tibetan plateau. The sun represents both the sunset on the precarious situation in Tibet today that needs attention, wisdom and action, and the sunrise of the day when the gentle bird can go home to a place of freedom, happiness and safety.

Committee members

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